Soovitused kuvatakse pärast otsingu sisestamist. Sirvimiseks kasuta üles- ja allanoolt. Valimiseks vajuta sisestusklahvi („Enter“). Kui valisid fraasi, otsime seda. Kui valisid soovitustest lingi, avab brauser selle lehe.
Üksikasjalikud juhtnöörid

Kui majutaja tühistab sinu broneeringu

While it’s rare, sometimes a Host may need to cancel a reservation. We understand this can impact your plans in a big way. Rest assured, if your Host cancels your reservation before check-in, you’ll receive a full refund.

Your refund if your Host cancels

If your Host cancels your reservation before check-in, you’ll receive a full refund, including service fees. Your refund will be sent to the payment method you used when you booked.

If your reservation check-in is in more than 30 days, we’ll send your refund right away. If your reservation check-in is within 30 days, we’ll reach out to you to find out if you’d like your refund processed immediately.

How long it takes for you to receive the money depends on your bank or financial institution. Find the common refund timelines.

Note: If you’re a guest residing in the US and your reservation was canceled within 30 days of check-in, you may have the option to receive your refund as Airbnb booking credit that can be used to book another reservation right away. Find out more about how booking credit works.

Rebooking help if your check-in is within 30 days

Every booking made on Airbnb comes with AirCover for guests, support for guests who experience issues with their booking, including Host cancellations within 30 days of check-in. For these cancellations, we’ll help you rebook a similar place to stay, depending on availability at comparable pricing.

How we’ll let you know if your Host cancels

When a cancellation occurs, you’ll get an email with full details, including your refund info.

If your Host asks you to cancel

If your Host lets you know that they can't accommodate your stay anymore, don't cancel for them. Instead, send them a message asking them to cancel. That way, you'll be eligible to receive a full refund.

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