Community Leader Badge
Community Leaders Program

Program Details

Learn more about what it means to become a Community Leader

Community Leaders are a vital component of the greater Airbnb Community, representing the voices of Hosts around the globe. Leaders across the world volunteer to bring Hosts together in local Host Clubs to collaborate, share, and collectively grow with Airbnb in many different ways.

Community Leaders are a vital component of the greater Airbnb Community, representing the voices of Hosts around the globe. Leaders across the world volunteer to bring Hosts together in local Host Clubs to collaborate, share, and collectively grow with Airbnb in many different ways.

Steps to Becoming a Community Leader

The Airbnb Community Team takes special care in finding new Community Leaders and setting them up for success. Whether you are partnering up with an existing Community Leader or starting a new Host Club, here is what you can expect once you’ve submitted your application:

How Community Leaders are Supported

Our goal is to ensure you have all the tools and support you need to run your community. Some ways we support you are listed below:

Key Roles of a Community Leadership Team

These important roles are often managed by multiple Community Leaders within a Host Club, ensuring that each Co-Leader is utilizing their strengths and feels supported by other members of their Leadership Team. Our team will help you find and collaborate with Co-Leaders.